BOOM Chaga Story

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Mark Homer, Co-Founder

Mark Homer, Co-Founder

They call me Chaga Mark, and I formed BOOM Chaga with Rich to change the world!  He knows how to scale a business to the masses, and I am a Chaga expert – we complement each other perfectly.  I personally know and can testify to the health benefits of our product with the impact it’s had on my life and the more than a thousand customers I’ve sold Chaga to since 2014.

I grew up in upstate New York, have lived in various states across this great country, and worked in all sorts of industries from food and factory safety to antique sales, custom artwork, and timber harvesting. These diverse experiences led me to fall in love with nature and being in the forests.  On my more than 400 acres in the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York, I have explored and learned so many blessings of what God has given man, including Chaga.

Health Issues

Health Issues

In 2004, I underwent a left knee replacement surgery, and as a side effect of the medications I had severe acid reflux, poor sleep, low energy, joint inflammation, brain fog, and gained more than 50 pounds.  I was debilitated, depressed, and had high anxiety.  

My loving wife, Jacqueline, who is part Native American, suggested that I drink some tea that she makes from Chaga, sourced from our forest.  She brewed some for me, and within three days I felt a significant difference.  I stopped taking the prescribed acid-reflux medication, which was not working, and causing significant negative side effects, and I was naturally acid-reflux-free within just three days!  After a couple of weeks, my brain fog, inflammation, and joint pain significantly decreased, and I was back at my regular weight and energy levels within a month…I was also back to my, A-Game self!

Game Changer

Game Changer

Chaga was a game changer for my life, and once I was done working for others, in 2014, Jacqueline and I wanted to share the benefits of Chaga with as many people as possible, full-time.  We founded Chaga Hunters and started selling Chaga chunks to over a thousand people at farmer’s markets in Florida and through our online store.  We were making a good living, and reaching a good-size group, but we believed that Chaga should be for millions, not just thousands.  We had offers to work with wealthy individuals to take our product to scale, but we didn’t believe they were the right partners.  We prayed over it for years, and then we met Rich in Bradenton, Florida, at one of our markets.

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Rich in the woods with a chaga mushroom

Rich Funk. Co-Founder

I’m from a small farm town in northern Indiana and was fortunate to get an engineering degree with an MBA to follow.  I am blessed to have 30 years of combined experience with Procter & Gamble, Mars, and Baxters Food Group, in global roles ranging from engineering, purchasing, supply chain and logistics leadership, innovation, and general management.  With these combined experiences, my professional network of colleagues, and years of building equity with business partners, I was nervously confident that we could make BOOM Chaga a significant, game-changing brand.

How Mark and I crossed paths is a bit miraculous. In December 2020, during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, I moved from Chicago to a suburb of Sarasota for a life reset.  I knew nobody in Sarasota at the time, and two months later I met Mark and Jackie (Jacqueline) Homer at a Coquina Beach farmers' market.

Boom Chaga Believes

The Birth of BOOM Chaga®

I initially thought that Mark and Jackie were selling ‘snake oil’ as they claimed all sorts of health benefits from their chaga and I had never heard of it. After researching it for a week, I went back to their booth and bought some chunks the following weekend, but not before peppering them with a load of questions: “Why is your chaga better than others’ online?” “Why is it 2-4 hours to brew, which is quite a range, and at what temperature?” “How do you know you can re-brew it up to 8 times, and it cannot possibly have the same potency with brew 8 versus 1, correct?”…and so on. Jackie asked me what I do for a living, as no one asks them these questions; I explained a bit of my background and that I’m only interested in products that have a meaningful difference.

After a couple of months of getting to know each other better, paralleled with continued research, the three of us met over a meal at my home. We prayed together, and shook hands with a partnership on bringing chaga to the masses with the vision of our product being unlike anything in the market, with science-proven, differentiated benefits…in April 2021, BOOM Chaga was born.

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BOOM Chaga Believes

BOOM Chaga Believes

BOOM Chaga® Believes

Expertise, Passion, Commitment

Expertise, Passion, Commitment

Since BOOM Chaga’s inception, we have invested significant funds into research, patent filings, continuous optimization, and supply chain partnering with industry experts to make sure we create the best, highest-quality product possible.  We could have launched products in 2022, but we are passionate, and committed to making sure our products are simply the best, allowing you to Bring Your A Game! Fast-forward to October 2023; we are privileged and proud to bring you BOOM Chaga, Mushroom Superdrink.

Boom Chaga Believes

BOOM Chaga® Believes

Our goal with BOOM Chaga remains to bring natural health to as many people as possible so they can bring their A Game to life! We believe in our product, and we believe in giving back - as we are blessed with BOOM Chaga sales, we commit to giving 10% of profits to St. Jude’s Children's Research Hospital.  This website will have a ticker, transparently showing how your purchases of BOOM Chaga have an impact on helping children and families get their A Game back.

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